Spiderman Birthday Mojo.


Some friends took me to the Spiderman movie for my birthday. Thought I was gonna Hate it. Loved
it. Loved it loved it loved it.

Guestbook updates


So I finally updated the guestbook. You may be wondering why it doesn’t update automatically.
It’s because a while back I go a bunch of fairly nasty entries, and I made a setup that puts new
additions in a kind of “staging area” so I can review them before I put them up. And I’ve
forgotten to check the bin lately… so… it’s not been updated recently.

And now it is.

New Job! New Job!


New Job! New Job!

So I’ve got a new day-job. (You didn’t think I was lucky enough to be making comics full-time,
did you?)

It’s great, and has all sorts of perks, like a steady paycheck. What does this mean to you, my
gentle readers? It means that, at least for the forseeable future, I don’t have to pinch pennies
any more, and can wholeheartedly take Vögelein back to her original purpose of a labor of
love and not of commerce. Expect more freebies, more prints, and more appearances at local
conventions. Hooray!

Issue #2 on the way out!


Issue #2 went to press this week (it may or may not be out of the queue yet….) but will be
shipping to stores within the next 3 weeks or so. Alternately, you can order them directly from me
at the Online Store — but remember, I won’t have my copies for another 2 weeks or so, either.

I Heart Ann Arbor.


I walked (walked!) to my auto
today, and got into a lengthy discussion with him about Macintosh computers and how
to use Virtual PC most effectively in OSX. Then, his cellphone rang. His ringtones were from
the final movement of Dvorak’s New World Symphony.

Have I mentioned how much I love this town?

New Vögelein picture


I recently did an oil painting of Vögelein as a gift for a friend, and now it’s
also available as a print. It’s 5 x 7 and available, matted in black, for only $15 + $2 shipping.
Please visit the Online Store if you’re interesting in purchasing one,
or just click on the image at right to see a bigger version.

More Library Visits!


Added a bunch more of my summer/fall appearances
in the column on the left. I’ll be all over SE Lower Michigan, drumming up teen interest in
comics. Big thanks go to YA Librarian Extraordinaire, Jennifer Schupska, for getting my name out