Progress Update


Hey, everyone. By now I’m sure anyone reading this page is wondering where the heck the next book is. Well, I know I said it might have been done sometime in 2006, but it’s looking like there’s no way that’s going to happen short of a miracle or a lost job (*knocks wood furiously*). By the end of next week I should have 70 pages completed in what I hope will be a 180-200 page book. Yes, I know I’m barely halfway (tell your old man to try dragging Walton and Denier up and down the court for 48 minutes!) but that’s what you get when you’re working 40 hours a week and producing fully painted pages.
Actually, recently I’ve been making rather dramatic headway, relatively speaking. In the last four weeks I’ve put down about eight pages. That’s quite a lot for me, and I’m pleased with the direction the book’s going. Lots of progress, scriptwise and imagewise, and the new pages are some of the best I’ve ever done. Slow going, but good going.
Eventually, I’m going to write a long-overdue series of columns for Jen Contino over on The Pulse. When that happens, she’ll get exclusive images of the pages for a week or two, and then I’ll start running the pages here as a minicomic.
Until then, keep needling me. The only way I keep at it is knowing that people want to see it.