So today I went down to the Smartshop for my second day of Welding class. I was mistaken, earlier — I’d forgotten I’d signed up for a welding class; if I want to take the blacksmithing class, I’ll have to do more art for Holly in trade for another workshop!. Fortunately for me, I’m having so much fun that I’m already planning to do so.
Despite the fact that I grew up on a farm, I’ve never played around with welders. We had a welding setup — even a coal forge — but things just never turned out that I got taught how to use them. This weekend was the first time I ever laid hands on anything stronger than acetylene. (I once participated in a bronze casting using oxyacetylene, but the person in charge of the cast operated the torch.)
Therefore, today was my very first crack at a real honest-to-God MIG welder. Holly Fisher, the founder of the Smartshop, walked us through basic use and safety, showed us how to braise and weld with oxyacetylene, then moved us right into MIG welding.
First we learned to tack-weld, then we did corners, uprights, thin-to-heavy gauge welds, and then we learned to seam-weld. Then, she turned us loose in the shop. For another glorious four hours, we welded and angle-ground and patinaed our little brains out. The night before, Holly had presented us with a 5 x 10′ table covered in about an inch of scrap 14-gauge steel, which we rooted through to find interesting bits to weld. From these, I welded the neat-o raven sculpture you’ll see in the pictures below — and I only set myself on fire once! Hey, kids! Here’s a hint if you’ve never welded before: don’t wear your favorite flannel shirt to the welding studio, ’cause sparks that fly at 2600F really pack a wallop. (caught one down my left glove, too. Owie.)
Yes, I really only picked up an arc welder this morning, swear to God. Holly’s an amazing teacher, and she’s a total stickler for safety and shop cleanliness, which makes her the perfect person to learn from. So if you’ve ever wanted to learn to play safely with some serious tools — be they welders or blacksmith’s bellows — you should come on out to Kzoo and take yourself a weekend course from SmartShop. ‘Cause they rock, and stuff.