Somewhere in here, a while back, I crossed the line over my one-hundreth page. The hundreth page is not yet painted, but it is inked, which makes it almost halfway there. There are another twelve pages in this sequence, which, when finished, will put me well over the mark. There’s a ten-page-or-so scene from midway in there (it fits in … Read More
Pencils, progression
Since last Wednesday, I’ve pencilled six, almost seven pages. I’m getting a little weary of pencilling; think I’ll take a break and ink for a while. Pencilling’s difficult. Inking and painting are much easier on the brains.
Update, at last
Work’s progressing steadily, now that my family life’s calmed down again. Last week I finished the batch of nine pages that I started the week of July 1. Nine pages in six weeks is still pretty good, but if you subtract the two weeks when I was barely at home and got no work done whatsoever, it becomes nine pages … Read More
Inky Dinky Doo
Inked four pages in under four hours last night. This makes me happy. I hope to get the other five inked and on the painting board before the weekend is out. I typically have two thoughts running through my head while I’m inking. The first is “If I lived here, I’d be home by now,” meaning that if I didn’t … Read More
Working for the Weekend
So I played hookey from work on Monday, and along with a pretty quiet weekend and Independence Day on Tuesday, I got a ton of drawing in. Starting from last Wednesday night, I’ve gotten nine pages pencilled and straight-inked. That’s got to be some sort of new record for me. Of course, if I were of real artistic caliber, like … Read More
From Lea Hernandez, for Female Webcomickers:
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE WOMEN WEBCOMICKER GRANT NAN PURPOSE In order to foster women publishing independently, with economy, and as owners of what they create, I will award FOUR grants annually, of a year’s free hosting at, to women making a regularly-updating new or existing webcomic of any genre or style. The recipients will have unlimited data storage and bandwidth, … Read More
New Pulse piece about Paul and LWM
Hey, everybody. Jen Contino has just posted a cool new article about Paul’s Little White Mouse Omnibus. Shameless plug: If you like Paul’s work, please take a second to post a word or two. It’ll help a lot to have the article near the top of the list for a while. Thanks!
Well, I’m back from Alaska, and I’ve been doing as much work as I can on the book. It’s been a bit tough this week, balancing art between all the catchup stuff that comes from being away. The good news is that I did make some significant progress over the weekend: I got the last four pages dialogued, ballooned and … Read More
Clean out of adjectives
Today on my lunch I went to the new Vault of Midnight store on Main Street, and I nearly had a hemmorhage from the awesome. This place is un-be-lievable! So awesome that I’m out of hyperbolic superlatives with which to define its awesomeness. Suffice it to say: This awesome goes to eleven. There’s a mural of giant robots attacking godzilla … Read More
Just figured out a way out of a particularly sticky scripting error I’d made. The solution makes me happy. That is all.