Vogelein Newsletter: Long Overdue Update


Here’s the text of my most recent newsletter: ******************** Five things: ONE: WHERE ARE THE BOOKS? By now I’m sure you’re all wondering where the heck the new Vogelein books are, especially since I promised they’d be out in time for Independence Day. Unfortunately, the printer I was using has had some quality assurance problems. I’ve not said anything up … Read More

ALA 2007


We’re back from ALA! It was a long, long trip, but really worth it. We had a ton of fun both at the conference and in DC, but we’re glad to be back home again. Click on any thumbnail to view a larger picture — you can advance through the whole slideshow at once or just view them one at … Read More



My key is here! My key is here! My key is here! Rollande dropped it off last night in the mailbox and we found it when we got home. Isn’t it purty? This is an example of the “non-special-edition” keys. Each will come in a black, recycled-paper box with a 18″ length of sterling silver Italian-made chain. The special editions … Read More

Keys! Progress!


Hey, kids! Wanna see the keys? Master key, cleaned, but still still in its sprues Nine keys, on their tree of wax Nine keys, cast and in their sprues Nine rough keys, still unfinished (Photos courtesy of David MacMillan, sculpting and silver casting by Rollande Krandall) Wow, I am so incredibly geeked about the prospect of seeing these finalized. David … Read More

Steampunk Magazine


The second edition of the lovely new publication, SteamPunk Magazine has a short but very positive review of the first Vögelein book, and I’m told that issue #3 will feature a review of the new book. Margaret Killjoy, one of the editors and author of both reviews, has the lead pull-quote on the back of Old Ghosts, so you know … Read More

Comics Are Open Source


Last month, I got a chance to interview a bunch of fellow self-publishers for a series of columns I’m calling “COMICS ARE OPEN SOURCE: Self-Publishing ‘Secrets’ Revealed.” It’s a series of six columns; the first is with Layla Lawlor, discussing Print-On-Demand. Subsequent columns will feature Pam Bliss on Minicomics, Charlie “Spike” Trotman on Webcomics, Jim Ottaviani on Direct-to-Graphic Novel, and … Read More

Vögelein Elsewhere


I’ve just added two new networking sites: Deviant Art MySpace ComicSpace I’m still adding stuff to the pages, so please excuse how bare they are at the moment. Enjoy!

Motor City: We’ll be there!


Paul had a sudden shift in plans, and so we’re actually going to come out for Motor City Con. We will be there Saturday Only. I’ll have a few books to sell, but plan on mostly just walking around and handing out freebies. See you there!

Site overhaul…


I had a little breathing room now that the book’s at the printers, so I spent a few hours and gave the site a bit of a facelift. Most of the upgrades were behind-the-scenes, so you probably won’t notice them unless you look really closely. I won’t bore you with the nerdly details, but I did condense a lot of … Read More

The reviews begin…


Johanna Draper Carlson is one of the first! Read her review here. It’s so positive, I’m wondering if I should send her a check. YAY!