Two Clockwork Game appearances on Saturday Jan. 18th

vogeleinClockwork Game, Comix, Signal Boost

Man, there’s so much great stuff going on with Clockwork Game right now that I’m having trouble deciding what parts to talk about first. So let’s start with the time-sensitive information: Unless the weather suddenly rises up and makes the roads impassible (again) I’ll be making two appearances in the Metro Detroit area this Saturday, January 18th! The first will … Read More

Clockwork Game PDF now available!

vogeleinClockwork Game, Comix

Missed the Kickstarter and want a download of Clockwork Game before the physical version hits stores? Good news – it’s now available as a PDF at the Fiery Studios Scribd Store! It’s high-quality at 200dpi, and costs $12.95, which is $7 less than a print copy will be. Enjoy!

Kickstarter Update: PDFs are done!

vogeleinClockwork Game, Comix

Sorry for the long delay between updates, but I’ve got great news! I’m pleased to announce that the Kickstarter PDFs are ready, and best of all, they’re done ahead of schedule! If you’re a backer at a level of $10 or higher, check your inbox and get ready to download your copy. In other news, all the proofs are approved … Read More

Kickstarter update

vogeleinClockwork Game, Comix

Not a lot to report yet on the Clockwork Game Kickstarter progress — not enough to merit a proper Kickstarter Update anyway — I’m mostly getting all my ducks in a row so that when the books arrive I can get them to the post office with as little trouble as possible. So far, I’ve: Sent files to the printer … Read More

Vogelein PDFs now available!

vogeleinComix, Signal Boost, Vogelein

I took the plunge this week and made PDF copies of the Vögelein books available on Scribd. To get the ball rolling, from now through the new year you can get them for only $7.99 each — so if you’ve ever wanted eBook versions, now’s your chance!

Clockwork Game Kickstarter: FULLY FUNDED!

vogeleinClockwork Game, Comix, Signal Boost

The Clockwork Game Kickstarter has been fully funded, and at a higher level than I ever could have dreamed — at 242%! Thank you all, so much, for your generous support and belief in me as a creator. Three stretch goals were achieved, and a fourth is possible provided that there aren’t too many dropped backers. I’m going to be … Read More

Clockwork Game Kickstarter: FINAL DAYS!

vogeleinClockwork Game, Comix, Signal Boost

Since the last time I posted, the Clockwork Game Kickstarter has flown past its second stretch goal — which means that thanks to my (very) generous readers, I’m able to keep increasing the quality of the books! Now every printed book gets a paper upgrade, from 60-pound to 70-pound paper, which will make the books feel more substantial. We’ve also … Read More