Wizard World


The books arrived! If you live anywhere in Michigan, you may have heard a high-pitched squeal that lasted
for about an hour, sometime around noon last Tuesday. That was me.

The gang waiting for the El at Wizard World
Had quite a bit of fun, hanging out with all the Tarts, the boyfriend and The Infamous CatBoy.
Got stuck in the absolute hinterlands of the show, and had a hard time getting people
to even stop for a free comic. A free comic! I’d hold it out, say “Hey, wouldja like a free comic?”
and they’d actually say no. I have never seen people turn down free comics before.
Ever. But, I did sell enough copies to cover all my expenses, and then some.

So, let’s see, what all else happened? Oh, I completely lost my cool all over Craig Thompson.
His new book, Blankets hit me like a kidney punch, and when Craig was over signing at
the Top Shelf booth, I went over to tell him how much I liked the book and nearly started crying.
To his credit, Craig was very very sweet to this little sniffling fangirl.

Talked to Mark Smylie about his astonishing book, Artesia, which you should be reading, if you’re not.
The new, full color TPB is completely and totally worth the money. Carla’s got the newest
Finder Trade Paperback, which you should also buy.

Sooo… that’s pretty much all for now. I’m very much looking
forward to my very first SPX next month. See y’all there!