
vogeleinComix, Vogelein

Well, I’ve finally gone through and revamped the site — lots of cleanup stuff, lots of fixing broken stuff.
Thanks to everyone who pointed out the broken stuff. A couple weeks ago, the nice guy who
hosts this site for free (Hi, Dan! You still rock!) moved all his sites from his old server,
crippled by SoBig and a couple other Trojan nasties, to a new server. In the process, some
things stopped working, and a couple things got permanently lost, like my other JanerBlog. Sigh.
That’s what I get for not backing things up…

So I finally got a weekend free, and I did a whole bunch of updates. If you came to this page
by way of a bookmark, you might want to stop by the homepage and see the new changes. It should
load much faster at this point.

There’s also a new page for Librarians, one for Retailers,
an updated Speaking Engagements page,
and a couple new photos down below, in May’s Motor City report.
Oh — there’s a big new news thingy I have to report, but I’m going to sit on it for a while
until I’m 100% sure it’s gonna go through.

In the meantime, I’ve been doing a lot of writing. My editing team has the script for
the second Vögelein graphic novel — tentatively titled “Old Ghosts” — in their hands,
I’m currently writing the fourth, and
the third is still “in the rock polisher” to use Carla Speed McNeil’s phrase. So… yes,
there will be a lot more Vögelein. No, I don’t know when. The first one took me
six solid years; I’m hoping the second will take much less. They’ll only be published
as Graphic Novels from now on, that’s the one sure thing. Wish me luck.