Onward and upward. Keep watching the news
section — there’s some exciting stuff in the pipes. Can’t tell you yet, but it’ll be mighty cool when
it gets here. And it’ll move.
Happy New Year to all!
I got picked up by Cold Cut Distribution, which means that now you can
ask your local comic store for Vögelein and get it sooner than waiting for the January
Previews’ delivery in March. Hooray!
I’m working on other distributors, and when I hear back, there’ll be more news!
Added new Fan Art Gallery
Vögelein is getting herself some fans, and I’ve received some fan-art sketches of her already. Head over to the Fan Art Gallery and check ’em out!
Underworld signing went exceedingly well!
Had a great time at Underworld Comics yesterday. The staff was super nice, (Thanks again, Phil and Eric!) and lots of old friends that I hadn’t seen for years stopped in to buy a
copy of Issue #1. Thanks, y’all!
They’re Here!
Good Grief! They’re here! Hooray! Starting this week, you will be able to purchase a copy of Vögelein at all the comics stores in Ann Arbor:
Hobby Play
Starting soon, they’ll also be available through Titan Comics
in Dallas, and (hopefully!!) all the Mile High stores in Colorado. (I have some very well-trained comics pimps across the country who are working hard to bust me into Indy shops everywhere. Crazy Mad Props to all y’all!)
I’m also going to be soliciting through Cold Cut soon, which means that they’ll also be available through Mars Import before much longer. When that happens, I’ll have an link so’s you can buy one directly online with a credit card and everything.
In-store Appearance at Underworld Comics!
Just got word from the nice people down at Underworld Comics (South University St. In Ann Arbor, plug, plug…) that I’ll be in for a book signing on December 5th from 1-7pm. Stop on by and get your
copy of Vögelein, and get it autographed while you’re at it!